Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today (March 5th) would have been my Grandma's 91st birthday. Yesterday we gathered together for my grandma's burial where she was laid to rest at Riverside National Cemetery alongside my grandfather who passed away in 2002. Her burial was preceded with a service honoring her military career complete with the folding of the flag and playing of taps. My brother who so eloquently spoke at my Uncle's memorial in May gave an impromptu yet moving speech. As Peter noted in his speech, my grandma was most proud of his service in the Air Force and would refer to him as her 'Air Cadet.' My grandma did not want a funeral with a mass and a whole lot of hoopla, but she did very much want the military funeral honors due to her for her service to our country during World War II and beyond. She is now at rest and with some of the people she missed the most. Unbeknown to the cemetery (shhhh), a dash of Uncle Steve and a pinch of Bailey joined her in her final resting place. I believe they will get along splendidly in their new digs, hope Papa doesn't mind the extra roommates! After the service we all met at The Yardhouse with photo albums in hand and reminisced while looking at old pictures and caught up with friends and family that we see too little of and often only at times like these. Toasts and promises to see each other more often were made, I hope we stick to those promises to see each other outside the occasional funeral and wedding. I met our newest cousin Eli for the fist time and of course fell in love with the fair haired little man, a new little one I can spoil. I really love my family and extended family and I love that it keeps growing. Jeff fits right in and they love him as if he had always around. My Grandma even used to refer to Jeff as her favorite Jeff (even though she has a son named Jeff) and it made for a lot of jokes when my Uncle Jeff was in town. Boy, we're gonna miss her....

Military Honors

Handing the flag to Uncle Mike

Peter speaking at the service

Grandma (and Steve and Bailey)

Crystal, Peter, Rich and Carlotta

Mingling at The Yardhouse

New Mama Michelle and Eli

Daddy Caleb, Michelle, Eli and Uncle Jeff

Rich with our newest cousin, Eli

Randall, Richard, Brianna, Laura and my Uncle Randy See

My Papa and Grandma in their youth

My grandma in her Navy days

Rich, Cindi, Randy and Pete

All the Cousins (minus one crying Eli)!

Grandma's favorite Jeffs and Katy

Carlotta, Rich, Katy and Jeff

Cindy, Mom, their Spawn and significant others

The following day (Grandma's birthday) at the cemetery

My favorite picture of my Grandma and Me

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