Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Boeder Pharmacy

The downside to having a bad back after being slammed into by an unlicensed, uninsured, under the influence driver back in 2005?  Days like Monday where I end up at Urgent Care because I'm in so much pain I can't move.  The upside?  Drugs, lots of them. 

The thing that sucks the most about having back issues is that when my back does go out it's not when I'm exerting myself like at the gym or mowing the lawn, it happens when I'm blow drying my hair or pulling up my pants or as in this case, washing my hair in the shower.  The doctors always give me a strange look when I tell them I threw out my back washing my hair and I tell them I wish I had a better story.

This episode was the worst yet.  I felt my back go as I was sudsing up my hair and knew immediately it was bad.  I was able to get the shampoo out of my hair and got out of the shower crying to Jeff that I threw out my back and was in agony.  This time I couldn't lift my head and was stuck staring at my feet.  It was a Sunday and my brother was in town visiting and I didn't want to go to the emergency room after hours because last time that ended up costing me $800.  I ended up taking a flexiril left over from the last time this happened (2 weeks before my wedding) and proceeded to pass out just so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain.

Lucky for me Jeff was off that Monday for Presidents day and could take me to Urgent Care (and take care of me all day long, what a sweetie).  The Doc took one look at me hunched over, immobile and teary eyed and promptly gave me a shot of Toradol and a prescription for Vicodin, 800 mg Ibuprofen and my favorite....Flexiril (double the strength of my old prescription). 

Now if you look at the labels, it says to take 1-2 Vicodin 4 times a day, 1 Flexiril 3 times a day and 1 Ibuprofen 3 times a day.  I'm no expert, but that cocktail doesn't seem to make for a very productive person...I've never taken a prescription pain med before but one Vicodin and a Flexiril pretty much put me into an 8 hour coma, I can't imagine downing those 3 or 4 times a day.  There is no way I could take all that and be a functional human being so I stuck to the Ibuprofen during the day and saved the good stuff for bedtime.   

Now its over a week later and I finally feel back to normal.  No more pills for now......and no you can't have any so stop asking (seriously, people perk up when they hear you have Vicodin and Flexiril).

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