Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sweet Little Emma

I'm an Aunty! We're not related by blood, but her momma has been my BFF since we met in Kindergarten in 1983, she knows all my deepest, darkest secrets and she was my maid of honor. She is family. I remember when she called me to tell me the news that she was pregnant, I was excited for her but also couldn't help thinking that everything would be different. What about crazy nights in Vegas? What about girls nights in Laguna Beach? What about going out to the bars? Does this mean we have to start growing up???? Rosa is the first one of our group to have a baby and we all kind of figured she would be. She was well trained (7 brothers and sisters!) and born to me a momma. Now I see that we're still gonna have our fun but its just going to be a different kind of fun, and that's ok. Little Miss Emma was born on June 28th and last weekend I finally got to meet her. I'm in love....she is the most perfect little creature I've ever laid my eyes on. Her momma is so good with her and her Daddy is so proud, they are the perfect little family. Jeff and I call her The Little Nugget, I'm sure she'll go through many more nicknames through the years. I am hopeful that Rosa never tells her that Aunty Katy and Uncle Jeff used to refer to her as "the fetus." I can't stop thinking about her and I can't help but think she's gonna need her a bff...

Sleepy Girl

How Cute is she with her daddy?

Her Grumpy Mug.

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