Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Deadly Sins

There are seven of them. My two favorite are sloth and gluttony...As mentioned in my previous post I love being lazy. I also love to stuff my face and drink a days worth of calories (I'm exaggerating). It takes a great amount of effort to resist these two deadly sins. I've always been an athlete, I ran track from elementary school until my sophomore year of college when I decided that beer was a lot more fun than triple jump. After college I always kept in shape by running, lifting weights, going to bootcamp class, etc... As much as I love food and drink, I've always kept close tabs on what I intake by keeping a food journal and would write down every calorie I consumed. Sometimes I would slip and take a few weeks off from diet and exercise but would always get back into my routine and that was that. Well, last year I fell off the wagon beginning with our October trip to Boston. Shortly after Boston was New Orleans followed by the holidays and pretty soon my new routine was being a sinner. I just kind of fell off the wagon and got used to my new routine. Now, 10 months later I am finally realizing how much I've sinned! I've had so much fun eating and drinking and being lazy but I realize how much I miss feeling fit. I haven't gotten fat or anything, but I don't feel as firm as I used to be and my clothes are starting to fit differently. Yesterday I bought a memo book and started writing everything down again and yesterday I started running again. I'm looking into joining the gym and even taking some exercise classes. I miss my old routine and what better motivator than Hawaii in November? I want to wear nothing but bikinis and sundresses that whole week and I want to feel confident again. So here is to a new routine!

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